About Us
Welcome to Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
We run Stepping Hill Hospital, and other specialist centres, as well as community health services for Stockport.
You can find telephone details of wards, our services and view our main hospitals and community centres.
Our stroke services have been officially ranked as the best in England – and urology and orthopaedic services at Stepping Hill Hospital are highly-rated nationally.
You can read our Stockport NHS Foundation Trust - Strategy - 2020-25 for our current strategic plans. Read our Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report Accounts 2022-23 for an overview of our organisation.
We are no ordinary trust. We hold a unique position in the Stockport community as the provider of healthcare and we are one of its largest employers. We are an integrated provider of acute hospital and community services to the people of Stockport, as well serving the populations of East Cheshire and the High Peak in North Derbyshire.
We offer a number of specialist services and play a key partnership role with Greater Manchester, Stockport and East Cheshire. With an annual budget of around £450 million we provide healthcare for residents in Stockport, East Cheshire and North Derbyshire as well as patients we treat from other boroughs in Greater Manchester who choose our services. We are working closely with East Cheshire NHS Trust to understand how some health and care services could be improved and sustained in the future. You can read more about this work here.
Stepping Hill Hospital first opened in 1905 and was a military hospital during the first World War. We now employ around 6,300 staff and were one of the first NHS trusts in the country to achieve foundation trust status in 2004.
We are a specialist `hub` centre for emergency and high risk general surgery, one of only four in Greater Manchester and covering the South East sector of our region.
Overall responsibility for delivering services rests with the Board of Directors. We are fully committed to being transparent and implementing the principles of Being Open and Honest.
As a Foundation Trust we also have a Board of Governors who are the voice of the local community, the majority of whom are elected from our public membership.
Our Hospitals
- Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport
- Devonshire Centre for Neuro-rehabilitation, Stockport
- The Bluebell Transfer to Assess Unit, Stockport
Health centres/clinics (community health services)
- 24 community locations across Stockport
- Also provide community health services in people’s homes
- Get closer to our community health centres and clinics, view our virtual tours
Key Facts & Figures
- Around 6,300 staff - second largest employer in Stockport after Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
- 160 consultants and around 1,500 nurses (hospital and district nurses in community)
- A budget of around £450m
- Stepping Hill Hospital sees around 500,000 patients per year
- On average, around 40% of patients in our hospital are aged 80 years and over (50% aged 75 or over)
Latest Plans
How we fit into the NHS
Our services are commissioned by the local clinical commissioning groups, mainly Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group. We are regulated by NHS Improvement. Our work is part of Greater Manchester health and social care devolution.
- South East Sector partnership - As the ‘specialist’ hospital site for emergency medicine and abdominal surgery in the South East sector of Greater Manchester, we are working towards a single service model service with Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and in partnership with East Cheshire NHS Trust,
- Greater Manchester Devolution – we are part of the devolution work to have control of £6 billion NHS budget . This represents a quarter of Greater Manchester public spending and is a national first.
We also work in collaboration with a number of other organisations including:
Our values
We care
- Each other
- Our patients and their families
- The communities we serve
- The environment
We support them and deliver on our promises
We respect
- Each other
- Our patients and their families
- Our partners
We are kind and helpful, and we expect the same in return
We listen
- Each other
- Our patients and their families
- Our partners
We act and learn from what we hear.
We have won a number of awards recognising the quality of our services in recent years. A selection of these awards is listed here.
- Stepping Hill Hospital first opened in 1905
- Stepping Hill was a military hospital during the first World War. Find out more through the recently discovered nurses book from that time, which recorded the thoughts of the soldiers recovering at the hospital
- Stockport NHS Trust formed in April 2000, following merger of Stockport Acute Services and Stockport Healthcare NHS Trust
- We became a foundation trust in 2004 - one of the first ten foundation trusts in UK
Commitment to openness and equality & diversity
Accessing my records - guidance on accessing information about your personal treatment and care
Equality and Diversity- information about general equality duties
We are committed with our partners to supporting carers in Stockport with the Stockport Carers Charter; please see the Charter below.
Stockport Carers Charter
Our Board of Directors Register of Interests is below.
Board of Directors Register of Interests
Patient Access Policy
This policy document sets out how we manage elective care against national targets and maximum waiting times, supporting patient choice under the NHS Constitution. It’s available to download and view here Patient Trust Access Policy
Information for overseas/chargeable patients can be found here.
Doing Business with Stockport
For companies and other organisations taking part in business transactions with Stockport nh Foundation Trust please read the document below.
Doing Business with Stockport NHS Foundation Trust - May 2022 version
Conflict of Interest Policy
Stepping Hill NHS Foundation Trust works in partnership with other organisations in the delivery of high, safe and quality care for our patients.
These partnerships provide many benefits and ensure that public money is spent efficiently and wisely, but there is a risk that conflicts of interest may arise.
The Trust is committed to providing full transparency and has a comprehensive Conflicts of Interest Policy. Conflicts of Interest Policy - September 2021
All staff are required to declare any interests which may cause conflict in work, together with any gifts and hospitality received during the course of their work. In particular the Trust asks that senior employees whose role encompasses purchasing decisions, making an annual declaration of interest. This includes providing a NIL Return where they have nothing to declare. The public register can be viewed here: https://stockportfht.mydeclarations.co.uk
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Constitution
You can view the Constitution of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust here:
Stockport NHSFT Constitution June 2023
Disciplinary Policy
We operate a ‘Just Culture’ approach which supports an initial conversation between managers about whether a staff member involved in an incident requires specific individual support or intervention to support appropriate changes in their performance or behaviour. The ‘Just Culture’ checklist highlights important principles that need to be considered before formal management action is undertaken. This approach allows for the justification of dealing with some issues informally.
Since the introduction of the ‘Just Culture’ approach we have seen a significant reduction in the number of formal disciplinary cases. We have also significantly improved the Health & Wellbeing support available for our staff.
For our full latest disciplinary policy and procedure please see below.
Stockport NHS FT Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Jul 20
Traffic Management Map
Construction work has now began on the new emergency and urgent care campus on the Stepping Hill Hospital site, and as a result some new traffic management measures are in place. For more details on this see the map below.
Traffic management site map - EUCC construction August 2022
Get to know where to go
When you use the right NHS service, you get the right treatment sooner. The first thing you should know is which service you should use for your symptoms.
The booklet below from NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care shows the range of NHS services available for you and your family.
If you’re not well or needing treatment, please take a look through the booklet which you can refer to if you or someone you care for are not well or need treatment.
Get to know where to go - NHS Winter GM
Privacy and Data Protection
For information on Privacy and Data Protection see our Information Governance website here.
Annual Members Meeting agenda - 25 September 2024