Friday 09.00 to 17.00
Queries in relation to Appointments, Cancellations, Referrals & Waiting Lists - Central Appointments – 0161 419 4010
For General enquiries or the Endocrine Investigation Unit, please leave a message / contact details for a call back on 0161 419 5095.
Queries in relation to Insulin Pumps and Glucose monitoring systems - 0161 204 4661
Queries in relation to the Endocrine Investigation Unit – Leave message / contact details for a call back on - 0161 419 5095
Diabetes Specialist Nurses - Kingsgate, Stockport - 0161 204 4661
Diabetes Team e-mail:
If you receive an ENVOY message – please ensure you read & follow the instructions carefully as you may be discharging yourself from the service unwillingly.