Privacy & Cookies
Where you provide personal information on this website to Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, it will only be used for the service you requested, for example when asking for information or giving feedback.
We will not pass your details to any other government department or third party.
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust does not automatically capture or store personal information from visitors to the site, except to log the user`s IP address and session information, such as the duration of the visit to the site and the nature of the browser used. This information is used only for administration of the site system and in the compilation of statistics used by the Trust to assess the use of the site.
Details of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Privacy and Data Protection Information can be found on Information Governance (
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust will ensure that all content on this website is current. It cannot be held responsible for any problems arising from out of date or inaccurate information contained within this site.
External links
This site also offers links to other websites which are beyond the control of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust. We provide these links to enhance your visit and cannot accept responsibility for any errors, omissions or out of date content on sites to which we link. Any links to external organisations or advertisers featured on this website are independent from Stockport NHS Foundation Trust. The Trust do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of information from these advertisers and are therefore not liable for the content.
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust name and logo are the copyright of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, and must not be reproduced without Stockport NHS Foundation Trust permission. Other content on this site may be reproduced, subject to it being up to date, accurate and not being used in a misleading manner.
What is a cookie?
When you visit a website, a tiny text file is downloaded and written to your computer, or whichever device you are using. This small file contains information connected with the site you are visiting. This file is called a cookie.
Some sites use cookies to maintain viewing preferences, like larger text sizes, some use it to store your login details so they know who you are (e.g. shopping sites and banks) during your visit.
There are several different types of cookie and it is important you understand them and how they work and which type this site uses.
Session Cookies
Session cookies hold no personal or private data and are used to maintain connection to the website for the duration of your stay. These types of cookies are deleted when you close your browser.
This site uses two session cookies.
Persistent cookies
Persistent cookies are held on your device for the period defined in the cookie itself and can be stored for years.
The data in these cookies vary but can contain personal and private data such as login details and website account information. They may also be used to hold your site preferences so that when you return the site, your settings are set to how you like them. (language for example).
Some types of persistent cookie can share your data with other sites to provide targeted advertising for example.
This website does NOT use persistent cookies.
Analytical/Tracking cookies
These types of cookies are used by analytical services (such as Google analytics) to help websites measure the usage of the site, tailor site content and provide valuable feedback to the site owners (which pages are more popular, hit counts etc.). These types of cookies help the site owner provide a better service for users.
These types of cookies hold no private or personal data.
These types of cookies can remain on your device for varied amounts of time from 1 minute to several years.
This site uses Google Analytic cookies and CrazyFrog Analytic cookies
How to stop cookies
If you do not wish to use cookies set by this site, you can choose to stop them in your browser. For more details please see the links below. Please remember that some cookies are useful for site owners and help provide a better experience for user.
Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
More about Google Analytic cookies
For full details about the cookies used by Google Analytics, visit the following website:
For more information on enabling and disabling cookies please visit About Cookies.