There are many standards - which are set nationally, regionally, locally and internally – that help to provide the best possible care and experience for our patients. The website provides more in-depth information.
Treating emergency patients
Our emergency department is extremely busy treating patients with serious, life threatening illness, major trauma and a range of other injuries – and sees between 7,000 to 7,500 people every month.
The national A&E standard is for 95% of patients to be seen, admitted or discharged within four hours.
You can read more about our latest A&E performance here.
The vast majority of patients continue to receive treatment well within the four-hour target and investment in new doctors and nurses has seen the overall wait times reduce significantly. It is important to stress that as well as providing high quality care, we have good feedback from patients who go through our emergency department. For more detail on our A&E quality indicators click here.
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care and exists to ensure all care services in England are providing safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care.
The CQC leads on hospital inspections and encourages improvements to all care services.
In May 2020 the CQC published its inspection report of Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, rating the Trust as `Requires Improvement`overall.
You can view the CQC inspection rating and report below:
Friends and Family Test
The NHS Friends and Family Test is an important opportunity for you to give us your feedback on the care and treatment we provide to you. If you use our services, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to tell us how likely you are to recommend our services to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment. Scores for our hospital are published on the NHS Choices website.
This feedback is being used to continually review our services and enable us to drive improvements in the delivery of our care. Want to know more? Visit the NHS Choices website for more information.
Safe staffing and patient safety in the NHS
All hospitals are required to publish information about the actual number of nursing and midwifery staff working on each ward compared to the levels that were planned for each area, for both day and night duty. We will publish the latest information about our planned and actual staffing levels each month on our Safe Staffing PPC (People and Performance Committee reports below.)
Safe Staffing report PPC January 2025
Summary Level Level Mortality indicator (SHMI)
The score is known as the Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) and compares the expected number of deaths with the actual number recorded within 30 days of the patients` discharge. The score takes into account factors such as diagnosis, age and sex. The latest report can be reviewed here, has been produced by the national Health and Social Care Information Centre. Stepping Hill Hospital is within the expected range and has an indicator of 90, which is approximately ten points better than the national baseline average at 100.
‘Open and Honest Care’ monthly reports
Information about pressure ulcers, patient falls and other areas are published on our website. This is part of the national ‘Open and Honest Care’ scheme to provide patients and the public with more information on about the quality and safety of our services. View our monthly Open and Honest Care reports.
National cancer patient experience survey results
You can see the results from our latest national cancer patient experience survey .
Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE)
The patient-led assessments of the care environment (PLACE) have replaced the patient environment action team (PEAT) inspections. The assessment looks at patient’s privacy and dignity, food, cleanliness and general building maintenance. It covers around 25% of ward and non-ward areas and focuses entirely on the care environment but It does not cover clinical care provision or how well staff are doing their job.
HealthWatch Stockport lead the annual inspections, and results are reported publicly. You can view our PLACE results 2017 here. We also run our own regular monthly inspections and regular feedback from patient questionnaires.
National inpatient survey results
The annual Care Quality Commission (CQC) inpatient survey ranks the performance of NHS trusts as - `better`, `worse` or `about the same` - for all the areas they asked inpatients about. Our results are in line with other hospitals for majority of our patient responses. Patient experience is a key priority for us. All the results are available via the CQC website.
Award-winning services
We have received numerous accreditations and national awards for the safety and quality of our patient services including district nursing, point of care testing, podiatry, urology, stroke and our community heart failure service. You can read about our successes on our news pages
Patient Safety
Patient safety is focused upon the avoidance of unintended or unexpected harm to people during the provision of health care. At Stockport NHS Foundation Trust patient safety is a priority and we aim to minimise harm from patient safety incidents and drive improvements in safety and quality. Patients should be treated in a safe environment and protected from avoidable harm.
Find out more on this on our Patient Safety page.
Detailed performance overview in open board meetings
In all our open board meetings there is an extensive overview of our performance – covering many different areas. You can view our board papers here.
Sharing your experience
You can share your experience about the treatment you received with us through a wide number of channels.
You can share your experience about the treatment you received with us through a wide number of channels. NHS Choices, Patient Opinion, Facebook, Twitter
NHS Choices
NHS Choices is the online `front door` to the NHS. It is the country`s biggest health website providing patients information needed to make health choices. Patients are also able to leave feedback and score the treatment they receive from hospital. Both Stepping Hill Hospital and our Devonshire Centre for Neuro-Rehabilitation receive results via the NHS Choices website. Click here to view the full report on NHS Choices.
Patient Opinion
Patient Opinion is a leading independent non-profit feedback platform for health and social care services. Patient Opinion is about honest and meaningful conversations between patients and health services with over 600 organisations subscribing to or registered with the site. View Patient Opinion feedback for Stockport NHS Foundation Trust.
Keeping our patients as safe as possible
We are always working to ensure that our patients are safe as possible when they are in hospital. This means keeping falls and pressure ulcers to a minimum and ensuing that we have the best possible procedures and processes to keep our patients as safe as possible. We take part in a national programme called Advancing Quality, which aims to improve the treatment the NHS gives to patients. We are one of the best performing Trusts in the North West on this programme. Our Annual Report outlines all areas of our large and complex organisation where we have improved our performance. Most importantly this means that we have improved our service to patients, who are at the heart of everything we do.
Annual Plans, Accounts, Reports and Strategic Plans
Our current publications:
For previous Annual Reports see `What we spend and how we spend it.`
Publication of consultant treatment outcomes
NHS England has begun the staged publication of mortality rates for individual hospital consultants in ten specialties, a major breakthrough in NHS transparency. More information surrounding this data can be viewed here.
Learning from deaths policy
The latest version of our `Learning from deaths` policy is below.
Learning From Death Review Guidelines 2022
Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
You can read our latest plan below.
Stockport NHS FT - Patient Safety Incident Response Plan 2023-25
Independent investigations and external reviews
Independent investigation into the care and treatment of Mr DB, published December 2016
This is the report of the independent investigations into the care and treatment of Mr DB. At the time of homicide December 2014 Mr DB was receiving care and treatment from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Our associated action plan has also been published:
External Review of ‘Never Events’, published July 2016
Click here to read the External Review of ‘Never Events’ in Interventional Procedures at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust between 31 December 2012 and 22 July 2015.